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20 Benefits of Reading Aloud to Kids (and How Pinna Can Help!)

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” — Emily Buchwald

There’s an overwhelming amount of data showing the importance of reading to our children. The benefits are innumerable.

According to a study performed by Ohio State University, when parents read kids at least five books per day, they enter kindergarten knowing 1.4 million more words than kids who haven’t been read to on a regular basis.

Dubbed the “million word gap”, this study reinforces what decades of research has shown. Kids who are read to at home often fare better than their peers in almost every way.

Today, we’re going to expand on that topic of conversation. We’re sharing 20 benefits of reading aloud to kids (and how Pinna can help!).

Let’s get started.

20 Benefits of Reading Aloud to Kids

  1. Increases vocabulary
  2. Boosts self confidence
  3. Reinforces the connection between the written and the spoken word
  4. Provides enjoyment
  5. Extends attention span
  6. Helps comprehension
  7. Offers a bonding experience for caregiver and child
  8. Bridges the way for discussing difficult topics
  9. Grows language skills
  10. Creates cherished memories
  11. Teaches social skills
  12. Develops problem solving abilities
  13. Soothes anxiety
  14. Promotes a love of reading
  15. Strengthens listening skills
  16. Improves nighttime sleep
  17. Introduces new topics of interest
  18. Builds community
  19. Models fluency and pronunciation
  20. Sparks curiosity

Now that you see all the reasons why you should read aloud to your kids, let’s talk about how Pinna can help you achieve that goal.

While nothing can replace snuggling up in a loved one’s lap for a story, sometimes parents are tired and need a break. That’s where audiobooks come in handy.

Pinna has a massive library of podcasts and audiobooks that can be easily accessed from any smart device, day or night. The content on Pinna is categorized by age, genre, topic of interest, and more. It’s a snap to find what you’re looking for on the Pinna app.

To make the experience even better, try listening together. There’s nothing like bonding over a good book with your kids — even when you’re too exhausted to read.

Whether you need to rest your voice or you’re looking to change up your regular reading routine, Pinna is the answer.

Tips for Reading Aloud to Kids

We’ve talked about why you should read to your kids (or listen to audiobooks together!). Now, let’s cover some practical tips to make the experience one you’re likely to repeat.

  • Give kids an activity to keep their hands busy. It can be Legos, coloring pages, beads and string, play dough, or anything else that is quiet and not too messy.
  • Offer up snacks and drinks. There’s nothing worse than trying to read to a child who is hungry or thirsty. Keep ‘em fed and hydrated and the experience will go a lot more smoothly for everyone involved.
  • Build reading time into your day. Kids thrive on routine. When you make shared story time a part of your daily rhythm, it’s easy to be consistent and your kids will help keep you on track.
  • A little bit every day adds up. Don’t get too hung up on reading for thirty minutes or an hour each day. If you can, great! If you can’t, even five minutes a day is better than nothing. And cumulatively, the benefits keep stacking up.

The Wrap-Up

Pinna is an excellent tool for screen-free learning and fun all year round. Keep your kids engaged and entertained with Pinna’s comprehensive and growing library.

We’re all ears!

Do you read aloud to your kids? We’d love to hear from you! Find us on all our social platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest – or email us at

Amy Thetford

Amy Thetford

Amy is a freelance writer and homeschooling mom to her tribe of tiny humans. She's fueled by coffee and the desire to do ALL. THE. THINGS. She blogs about all things motherhood at